Diablo 2 Median Xl Item Pack Download

Diablo 2 Median Xl Item Pack Download Rating: 9,7/10 4362 votes

EDIT: Must use PlugY 11.02 to access for MXL Ultimative XVI. Download link. I hope you enjoy Median. Median XL is a giant and most popular modification for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction that change almost every aspect of original game. New skills, new items, new monsters with improved AI, new interior and exterior locations and tons of gameplay changes awaits you. Apr 28, 2017  EDIT: Must use PlugY 11.02 to access for MXL Ultimative XVI. Download link. I hope you enjoy Median to.

  1. Diablo 2 Items Download
  2. Diablo 2 Median Xl Hack
  3. Diablo 2 Items For Sale

There is no reason to love of hate cheaters: when you playing a single player game, decision to cheat is only between you and your PC.

Diablo 2 Items Download


Infinite stats, skill points and money

To edit some values of your Diablo II character you can choose one of two ways: download specialized program to change the values (works great with original Diablo II, but not with Median XL, most known example is Hero Editor) or hack the values by yourself with Cheat Engine — a program that allow you to find in-game values in process memory and change them on the fly. It works with most games and even can help you to change unknown values, or change game mechanics (to heal you instead of damage, for example). And first difficulty that expect us is official CE downloading page — don't miss the small link to Cheat Engine without virus-like advertisement:

After downloading, unpack your CE archive to any folder and be ready to run Cheat Engine.exe (but don't launch it now). At first, launch Diablo II and make sure, that you can change the target value for few times. So, if your target value is Stat Points — make sure that you have at least 5 of them and you can spent them. Then, minimize your game by pressing Alt + Tab, launch Cheat Engine and press small computer icon in top left corner:

In opened menu choose your Diablo II process (Game.exe in my case) and click Open:

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Diablo 2 Median Xl Hack

Write your target value in the value field and press the First Scan button:

Now you have to change your target value in game. In our case, we can just spent one point to.. strength. After that write the changed value to Cheat Engine and click Next Scan:

As you can see, Cheat Engine has found 10 values, that was changed from 5 to 4 when we spent our stat point. But not all of them is our target value. Often we should repeat more Next Scans until only one value will remain, but sometimes for one in-game target value responds few values in memory. In most cases we can say that final values has found, if they are all remained in the list after last one or two Scans. In our case final result is:

Last step is quite easy: select all addresses that you have found, click on red diagonal arrow, select them again in bottom list and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. Enter how much Stat Points you want to have and enjoy your powers: ;)

You can repeat this operations for your skill points, money and other simple values. But if you want to change some of your stats, like Defense or Magic Item Find percent, or if you want to freeze you health & mana points, you should use advanced CE techniques. Check out the Tutorial minigame in Cheat Engine help menu, and don't forget to use comment form below to ask and answer questions about Cheat Engine and Diablo II.

Item duplication & editing

You can clone your items just by making copy of your Shared Stash file in the Diablo II save folder. But much better way is by using special program for this. The program called UdieMXL and it allow you to duplicate and edit your items, and even change some of your character stats. At first, let's install UdieMXL — download UdieMXL archive and unpack it to your Diablo II folder:

UMXL is good, but a little old program (author, if you read this, please update it or release sources with some knowledge ;), so it is not fully compatible with last version of Median XL Ultimative. To avoid possible problems you should create new character, and then transfer your items to him via Shared Stash. After editing, you can transfer your items back, or just leave it for further changes. Let's open UdieMXL.exe, select new character and see what we have:

As you can see, we have two problems here — all unknown-to-UdieMXL items shown as Torches, and our inventory is smaller than in-game. It is not good, because some items are missing or fill two place in inventory instead or their real size. But it does not matter. To duplicate items right click to any item in inventory and select Copy. Then, just paste selected item to free space (don't forget to File->Save your character before you check your new items in game):

Diablo 2 Median Xl Item Pack Download

Diablo 2 Items For Sale

After you figured out how to duplicate items, the thing that you really should try is item editing. Depending of the item, it can be simple or very complex process. For now, let's go simple way and edit span-new unique Light Belt. In game it have many Properties, but in old UdieMXL we see something like this:

To open item editing window right click the item and select Edit Item. The bad news is that obsolete Udie do not allow to simply edit item Properties. The good news is that we can edit binary code of the item, and all that we need is to figure out, which part of this binary code affect item Properties:

You can change some bits by yourself, save the character, and hope that game will not crash when loading you character, but I will give you some tips: last bits, 111111111, — is Terminator, used to tell where is item end. Close to the Terminator you can usually find all item Properties in this format: «00» bits + ~8-10 bits Parameter ID + ~8-10 bits (quantity depends of ID, and maybe there other «00» bits in between) Property value in reverse order. I could be wrong because I don't remember everything, but I sure that you will understand a bits logic after some experiments. Please, remember to backup your characters and items. So, let's say that we want to increase 7% Life Stolen Per Hit Property. Decimal 7 is binary 00000111, reversed is 11100000, and after quick searching we can say where is this part of code (as you can see, I selected 10 bits instead of 8, because size of this value is 10 bits):

After changing this value to maximum 1111111111, you can see a result — 1024% Life Stolen Per Hit (1023% on screenshot because of wrong belt):

You can also change type of this Propety by editing some bits before 1111111111 and, by the way, change any other part of item (not sure for Required Level, so don't forget to reveal all truth in comments below). Another tip that you must to know is Properties order: there is no relationship between in-game and in-bits order, remember that when you change Property types. For more information about item editing ask your questions, share your bits lists and try to help novice cheaters. ;)

Maphack and maximum Light Radius

If you already completed Diablo II for one, two, or maybe more times, some things in game can be for you.. a little boring. Median XL nearly solve this problem, but with mMap maphack it solved completely. MMap reveals act's map when you enter to game with your character. Also, it can show monsters and spell's missles on your map and, this is my favourite, disable weather and dark areas in game. Now you can see everything, like if you Light Radius set to maximum.

Installation is simple: just download mMap maphack and unpack it to your game folder. After that, set DllToLoad2=mMap.dll in PlugY.ini (if you don't know what is it, read Installation guide) and make some changes in mMap.ini according to your taste:

Beware! It is not possible to change D2MultiRes resolution when mMap is active, so select correct resolution before using mMap, or disable mMap temporaly.


  • Download Cheat Engine — http://cheatengine.org/downloads.php
  • Nice CE analogue — http://www.artmoney.ru/
  • Download UdieMXL — https://mega.nz/#!zokCVIJR!k35VGJn7Q9vt-80aNHHHSeVKyT-Ec0W8Bkp7BB8NyFE
  • Download mMap Maphack — https://mega.nz/#!ThsUWIQK!FTP3KGqjrqJki1BLQ5XC-r5ML4qlYcZg7b8WRQHK4xk