Buku Filsafat Politik Pdf

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“Buku ini membuka jalan untuk semakin mencakupkan pemikiran Nietzsche ke dalam gerakan-gerakan protes. Ia membawa Nietzsche keluar dari dunia. Buku Filsafat Ilmu 1 ok.pdf.pdf. Filsafat telah mengalami perkembangan yang pesat yang ditandai dengan bermacam-macam aliran dan cabang. Filsafat politik.

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(Seri Mengkaji Anarkisme)

“Buku ini membuka jalan untuk semakin mencakupkan pemikiran Nietzsche ke dalam gerakan-gerakan protes. Ia membawa Nietzsche keluar dari dunia akademik menuju ke jalanan”
— Jurnal Ephemera
Mengaitkan filsafat Nietzsche dengan anarkisme barangkali terdengar mengejutkan, terutama karena Nietzsche sendiri mengutuk amat keras pandangan politik sama rata sama rasa baik yang dianut
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Published 2014 by Marjin Kiri (first published April 2004)
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I Am Not a Man, I Am Dynamite! Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition
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Jan 13, 2016yarrow rated it liked it · review of another edition

Pengertian Filsafat Politik

I would really like to give this book a higher rating, both because of my affinity with its stated intentions, and also because John Moore (who died prior to its completion) is wonderful and this could have been a perfect concluding note to his contributions to anarchist thought. That being said, a lot of the essays were extremely dry and overly academic. For those pieces, the task of reconciling Nietzsche with the anarchist tradition amounted to a ideological pursuit of making a venn diagram of..more
Feb 09, 2014xDEAD ENDx rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This book is a mix of downright terrible essays and great pieces of writing.
As for the poorly-done, I want to believe some of it is the fault of translators. In particular, the 'Death of God' essay is almost unreadable, patched together by sentence fragments and practically undecipherable concepts. A couple other pieces weren't terrible, but a little boring or uninteresting.
I really appreciated some of the final essays, especially the pieces by Saul Newman and John Moore. Both of these highlight
Sep 20, 2018Krea Baski rated it liked it
Esai tentang kematian Tuhan ditulis dengan buruk sekali di buku ini. Hampir tak terbaca sama sekali. Tapi ada beberapa tulisan lain yang bagus memang. Secara tematik, saya suka dengan konsepnya, menggunakan filsafat Nietzsche untuk menjelaskan anarkisme.
Feb 09, 2015Achmad Soefandi rated it really liked it
Ada korelasi antara filsafat Nietzsche dan tradisi anarkhisme, kurang lebih pesan itu yang ingi disampaikan buku ini. Filsafat Nietzsche sendiri meskipun sulit untuk dipahami, jika boleh saya simpulkan salah satunya adalah adanya penghargaan terhadap keberagaman dalam hidup. Dalam pandangan anarkhisme, tujuan akhirnya adalah juga penghargaan keberagaman dalam hidup, tanpa ada yang ditindas dan menindas. Salah satu kesamaan lain dari filsafat Nietzsche dan Anarkhisme adalah keduanya sam sama anti..more
Jul 07, 2008Marty rated it liked it · review of another edition
I've been quite intrigued by this book for a long while. It seemed both a noble cause and great challenge to connect Nietzschean thought to anarchists. However there is a lot of overlap worth considering.
The selection of essays however left much to be desired. The book was overwhelmingly academic, overwhelmingly male and not particularly readable. Certain essays were fantastic whilst others were having to strech quite a bit to make their thesis work.
I agree with the intent of this book wholehe
Apr 14, 2008Dylan rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This was, overall, a very good collection that includes a very wide variety of perspectives on Nietzsche's relevance to anarchism. Some contributions are deep; others, relatively shallow; some, political; others, more philosophical; some defend Nietzsche at the expense of the anarchist tradition; others, the reverse. But, sadly, I'll remember this book mostly by its two worst contributions (both translated from italian), one of which I literally could make no sense at all, and the other was only..more
Nietzsche pun tidak tunggal. Mereka, dengan egois, menafsirkannya. Menjadi pertanyaan, bagaimana tafsiran Nietzsche atas dirinya sendiri, kebenaran miliknya -- ilusi yang kita lupa bahwa itu ilusi, suatu fenomena keindahan?
Feb 18, 2013Mc added it · review of another edition
A very deep felling of ambiguity. Always like Nietzche, never so Nietzche..
Dec 11, 2015Hafizh Awaludin rated it it was amazing
Aug 14, 2015Didin Tohidin rated it really liked it
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Banyak orang menilai bicara filsafat identik dengan pembicaraan yang rumit dan mengada-ada. Bahkan sebagian meragukan manfaat filsafat. Buku ini mencoba memaparkan perjalanan filsafat dari masa ke masa dengan menunjukkan pemikiran-pemikiran mendasar dari para filsuf yang berpengaruh pada zamannya, baik yang saling melengkapi maupun yang saling bertentangan. - Buku Filsafat..more
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Published February 1st 2005 by Readers and Writers Publishing (first published 1992)
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0954842103 (ISBN13: 9780954842109)
For Beginners, Writers & Readers Documentary Comic Book
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A relatively short (180 page) comic book covering the history of Philosophy. I've picked up 'I am a strange loop' again and they've been sort of fun in combination. I think I'd like more from this series - it declares itself to be a 'writers and readers beginners documentary comic book.' There are a whole lot of philosophers in the series, and some other works I might be interested in - the UN, Islam, Buddha, and of course .. the History of Clowns. For beginners. I'd like to have a beer with th..more
May 17, 2013Zoe's Human rated it liked it · review of another edition
I honestly have no idea if this was good or bad. I only grasped about 20% of the information in it, but I don't know if that was me studying a tough subject or the book. It gave me some inspiration for some other things to look into though. (If I can get someone to make a non-fiction philosophy recommendation in recs anyway. There seems to be some confusion about that.)
I was also reminded of how god-awful sexist most of the 'great' philosophers were. I am not other. You piss straight off.
Mar 16, 2012Yalinda Carames rated it liked it · review of another edition
La verdad es que disfrute muchísimo este libro, es toda una fuente de argumentos y conocimientos.
Como todos sabemos la filosofía tiene una historia de más de 2,500 años que viaja desde la antigua Grecia hasta nuestros días, lo interesante del tema es que las ramas y los problemas que componen la filosofía han variado y seguirán variando a través de los siglos…. Yo Solo sé que no sé nada
Yali Carames :)
Jan 19, 2008Kay rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction
mmm, ok. The format (comic style) doesn't really help, and the jokes are few and far between. the explanation was a little unclear, but the overview - just the fact that it goes through all the important philosophers in history - redeems it a little. still, it's the literary equivelent of working on a couple of matrix problems.
Sep 06, 2012Onaar Rolnexon rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Brilliant overview of the themes and types of philosophy as they have come and gone. A book that gives lots of further reading ideas and makes you want to get involved.
Oct 11, 2015G. Branden rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Pretty darn good for what it is: a whirlwind tour of 2500 years of Western philosophical thought that makes an earnest effort to summarize the 'great ideas' without dumbing them down. Its mildly irreverent tone also leavens the material, as most philosophers tend to get ponderous.
Just about everyone you've heard of is here, plus very likely lots of people you haven't. The approach is strongly historical; the author, Richard Osborne, begins at the beginning (Thales) and marches through the centur
Mar 27, 2011Arfan rated it liked it · review of another edition
Menurut saya kekuatan buku ini terletak pada niat sang pengarang, Richard Osborne, untuk benar-benar memperkenalkan filsafat terutama pada orang awam samasekali. Seluruh aspek yang bisa dikaji dari sebuah bahasan filsafat, dipaparkan dalam kerangka 5W+1H (who, what, where, when, why + how), dengan kemasan menarik dan informatif. Yang saya maksud adalah, bagaimana sebuah sejarah panjang benturan pemikiran-pemikiran kritis selama peradaban manusia disajikan dalam potongan-potongan stripping komika..more
I admit that sometimes I'm willing to start with the elementary textbook, if I really want to learn something. The cool thing about the '..for Beginners' series is that the comic-book style never made me feel dumb, and the books within it are usually funny, too. Hey, chalk it up to the graphic-novel craze, and run out and buy a few. They have 'Freud for Beginners,' and 'Judaism for Beginners' and 'Sex for Beginners.' (But you'll probably want to pick up the latter just before Books-a-Million cl..more
Aug 07, 2011Nick A.B. rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I enjoyed it and found it very informative about all types of philosophy. I recommend to people who want to learn more about what philosophy really is.
Jan 29, 2019Matias rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Filosofía (I)
Desde Grecia (s. VI aC.) al Liberalismo (s. XVII)
Richard Osborne - Ralph Edney
Este libro cumple su propósito, te da una introducción a lo que es la filosofía y punto. Lo hace de una manera muy amena y fácil de entender. Si el libro fuera más sencillo y fácil de entender seria ridiculo, seria tan simple que se convertiría en un libro aburrido. El libro mantiene una postura neutral; ofrece de una manera muy resumida los pensamientos de los filósofos que mencionan si
Oct 14, 2012Edy rated it liked it · review of another edition
Filsafat dalam bahasa Yunani berarti “Cinta akan kebijaksanaan”. Meski demikian pengertian filsafat sendiri masih simpang siur dan berbedabeda antara satu pakar dengan pakar lainnya.
Buku ini memuat sejarah perjalanan filsafat dalam kehidupan manusia, mulai dari jaman Yunani, jaman Romawi, jaman Kristianitas awal, Jaman Pencerahan, sampai dengan filsafat abad 20. Beberapa filosof yang banyak dikupas di buku ini antara lain Plato, Aristoteles, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Hegel, Immanuel Kant,dll. A
I don't like the duck drawings
Very useful, concise, rough beginner's guide (as the title would suggest). Also, you may find it useful as a refresher, like I did.
Oct 05, 2015Sezgi rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Felsefeyi kolaylaştıran her şeyi seviyorum. Çok güzel hazırlanmış, emek kokan bir kitap. Özellikle ortaokul-lise için felsefeyi sevdirme adına mükemmel. Çizimler ayrı bir güzellik zaten. Okunmalı :D
May 03, 2019Matias rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Explico el punteo -
En esta reseña me estaré refiriendo a los dos libros de esta serie:
Le di a este libro 5 estrellas porque me parece una manera rápida y divertida de saber qué está pasando en el mundo de las preguntas profundas y los grandes pensadores. En otras palabras, es una introducción a nuevos términos, palabras y conceptos que te ayudarán a comprender un poco de lo que la Filosofía ha estado haciendo durante estos últimos 2,000 años. En esta reseña estaré evaluando ambos libros: Filosof
Jan 26, 2018Marco Briceño rated it really liked it
Buku filsafat politik pdf
surprisingly succinct given the content, I'm not sure whether to be curious and motivated or exhausted and bored when reading philosophy. Funny that I found the last few lines of the book mirroring my own thoughts given the emphasis on illusory subjectivity and individuation expressed by many of the books final characters.
Mar 26, 2019Antonio Meridda rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Libro davvero simpatico! Ovviamente è impossibile spiegare tutto ciò che concerne la filosofia attraverso un fumetto, ma non è questo lo scopo del libro. Invece, dare spunti di riflessione e attraversare i millenni e i secoli attraverso di essi è alquanto fattibile, e il libro ci riesce benissimo!
Feb 25, 2019Mina rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Tarihteki önemli düşünürlerin görüşlerini, felsefenin tarihi ve gidişatını yüzeysel de olsa aydınlatıcı bir biçimde kapsayan, çizgi roman formatında, kısa ve öz bir kitaptı. Çevirisini ise hatalı, kaba ve anlaşılması zor buldum.
Aug 16, 2018Nobody rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Siempre es divertido leer de filosofía y que haya caricaturas y dibujos.
May 17, 2018Tyler rated it liked it · review of another edition
A mixed bag. The edition I purchased may be at fault, but the book I read was riddled with grammatical errors, missing or misplaced punctuation, run-on sentences, etc. This is a shame since many parts of the book are helpful for beginners. Many parts are of five-star quality. The errors themselves brought the rating down to a two, but I bumped it up to three stars due to the content. Be sure to check what edition you purchase.
I can recommend the sections on Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Sp
A comprehensive, 'cartoony' history of philosophy, this book serves as an approachable introduction for beginners or a fun review for experienced readers of philosophy. Osborne includes historical contexts and many minor figures along the way.
Osborne does not always accurately portray Christian theology. For instance, he claims that Paul the Apostle 'saved Christianity from dying out' by combining 'it with Greek philosophy' (p. 28). But Paul and early Christianity opposed Greek philosophy; see A
Jul 07, 2011Firza Ekadj rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Buku Filsafat Politik Pdf
This book is for beginners, but I felt so hard to understand when it came many unusual words. Perhaps it will understandable if there's explanation about difficult words they were talking about. Several first pages I interested, more pages than that I doomed. Pictures aren't great but slightly helpful.
Besides than that it's uncommon for me a comic talks about philosophy and it's not so bad to start to learn.
Dec 12, 2011Howard rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Not really bad, just insufficient for the scope of the enterprise. Plato's simile of the cave is ripe for an illustrated treatment, but this tries to cover 2500 years of complex ideas and it necessarily oversimplifies everything. It's misleading for beginners and annoying for the rest of us. The art isn't so wonderful either.
Jun 26, 2016Mark Singer rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Condensed and witty illustrated introduction to Western Philosophy.
Jun 03, 2012Brent marked it as to-read
I love Beginners books.
Jun 29, 2012Vanlilith rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Sep 10, 2008paris rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Jan 07, 2015Drew rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This was my first graphic novel read. I liked the style and the parts I understood were interesting and a bit funny, but by and large this wasn't as much 'for beginners' as I had hoped.
Oct 23, 2016Mckinley rated it really liked it
Western philosophy tradition - by time and person.
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