Airtel Parallel Ringing Activation

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Apr 21, 2018 - Parallel ringing. With parallel ringing you'll never miss a call even when you're away from your fixed-line. Protect your privacy, just share your fixed-line number while receive calls on two phone numbers including your mobile. You get incoming calls ringing simultaneously on your fixed-line and another phone numbers. Airtel launches a localised version Google Voice?Airtel’s website says: With Parallel Ringing you’ll never miss a call even when you’re away from your fixed-line. Protect your privacy, just share your fixed-line number while receive calls on two phone numbers including your mobile. Airtel launches a localised version Google Voice? Airtel’s website says: With Parallel Ringing you’ll never miss a call even when you’re away from your fixed-line.

Phone Plus Services

ParallelAirtel Parallel Ringing Activation
Consessions in Rental Shift telephones Safe Custody Plan Transfer of Telephone

Gone are the days when basic telephones was used only to make andreceive calls. With the aid of state-of-the-art digital exchanges, BSNL offers you a host of phoneplus services, converting your old basic telephones to a sophisticated tool which can be used for avariety of applications.

All the Phone Plus facilities are available free of cost with effect fromJanuary 22nd, 2003.

This facility lets you receive incoming calls even when your telephone is busy. You will get ashort duration pip-pip tone when you are busy talking , indicating that another call is waiting foryou , provided you have activated this facility. You can talk to any one of the callers keeping theother waiting. Complete secrecy of communication between the two callers is maintained.

Procedure for activation/deactivation:

  • Dial 118 and get the acceptance tone similar to the engage tone but with a longer gap betweenthe beeps.
  • Dial 119 and get the acceptance tone.

You may be calling a few people very frequently. It is possible to program these numbers asabbreviated codes of 1 or 2 digits. A maximum of 20 numbers can be programmed for abbreviateddialing. It is ideal for STD/ISD.


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Step 1Select your short codeChoose a short code for the number you dialfrequently e.g. '15' for the number xxxxxx. (if it's std no. std code+xxxxxx)
Step 2Register short code for a telephone no.On your telephone dial 110 then the short code followed by thesubscriber's number i.e. dial 110 15 xxxxxx.
Step 3To dial the number using abbreviated codeDial 111 then the short code to dial the number i.e dial 11115 this will dial xxxxxx.
To cancel or re-allot the same numberDial 110 15 yyyyyy (new tel. no) this will store code 15 fornew number yyyyyy overwriting the earlier no. xxxxxx.

Hot Line

You may want to be connected directly to a pre-determined number as soon as you lift thehand set even without dialing. At the same time you may want to have the flexibility to dial anyother number of your choice. It is possible to have this facility in the digital exchanges by thedelayed hotline feature. The number of your choice can be programmed by the exchange staff at yourrequest. After doing so if you lift the telephone and do not dial within 5 seconds , you will beautomatically connected to the programmed number. However if you start dialing with in 5 seconds ,you can make an outgoing call as usual.
Useful for very mobile persons who may not want to miss incoming calls. Using this facilityCalls can be forwarded to another telephone number designated by you.

Procedure for activation/deactivation:

Aggiornare software autoradio cinese. Copy the apps: E. It will display “Complete 100%” and “**Mission Accomplished! Screen goes into black/blink interface and beep for around 3 minutes. Upgrade flash.

  • Dial 114 followed by the telephone number for which the call is to be transferred. He will getthe acceptance tone.
  • Dial 115 and wait for acceptance tone.

When you want to be given reminder at a specific time, all you have to do is to call theexchange and leave the time you want to be reminded. The facility allows you to initiate a callautomatically by the exchange at a fixed time specified by the user of the telephone.
  • Dial 116 (the registration code) followed by the time you wish to be reminded or worken-up at06.15am(06.15hrs), you will dial 1160615.
  • Dial 117 (the cancellation code) followed by the time you booked the call.

If you have more than one telephone line, this facility is very helpful for your caller. Ifthe called line is engaged, your caller does not have to disconnect and dial other line(s). Thisfacility automatically transfers the incoming call to whichever line is free.
Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)

Airtel Parallel Ringing Activation

The subscriber has to buy separately the CLIP display device from market. Using thisfacility you can see the number of the calling party before lifting your telephone. Very useful totrace malicious caller. However, the CLIP instrument shall be procured and installed by the usersthemselves.
Calling Line Identification (CLI) AnnouncementService

Dial 164 and listen to the number of the phone line that you have used to make the call.Very useful when in doubt about your phone number.
Dial 161 and after a few second replace the hand set. Your phone will ring very soon. Usefulfor checking functioning or adjusting volume of bell of your phone.
Electronic Locking For STD/ISD

For 100% protection against improper use, you can lock your telephone electronically. Here,you only know the secret code. You can lock/allow Local, STD or ISD calls in many way viz. allcalls allowed, only local calls allowed, only STD & Local calls allowed, all outgoing callsbarred etc.

Skripsi ekonomi syariah.

Regidter Secret CodeSuppose you want to make 5555 your secret code.Follow this procedure to register this:
Dial 123 5555 5555 then wait for the acceptance tone then disconnect. Your codeis registered.
Change secret code Suppose you want to change current code 5555 to 4444then
Dial 123 5555 4444 then wait for the acceptance tone then disconnect. Your newcode(4444) is registered.
Bar/Open Facilities using Secret Code(example5555)
Bar STD/ISD callsDial 124 5555 1 then wait for the acceptance tone thendisconnect. Now STD/ISD calls will be barred.
Open STD/ISD callsDial 124 5555 0 then wait for the acceptance tone thendisconnect. Now STD/ISD calls can be made.
Open STD calls onlyDial 124 5555 3 then wait for the acceptance tone thendisconnect. Now STD calls can be made.
Bar STD/ISD/manual trunck callsDial 124 5555 2 then wait for the acceptance tone thendisconnect. Now STD/ISD/manual trunck calls will be barred . (It will also bar calls to 95level).
Bar local callsDial 124 5555 4 then wait for the acceptance tone thendisconnect. Now localcalls will be barred .(applicable only if STD Facility is available).
Open local calls onlyDial 124 5555 1 or 2 then wait for the acceptance tone thendisconnect. Now Local calls can be made.
Airtel activation code

With this service telephonic conference can be set up within 3 or more parties. This serviceis available subject to technical feasibility.