Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Conga Line Game

Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Conga Line Game Rating: 9,7/10 9017 votes

Disclaimer: I do not own Suite Life (or Cody and Bailey would already be back together!)


Zack y Cody Gemelos a bordo - Duration: 12:03. Blackxbta93 332 views. The Suite Life On Deck. Phineas and Ferb 3-D Online Video Game!

The ship left the port the next morning, heading out of the Mediterranean and making towards Mexico. Cody was just about to go out when Woody stumped in, white paint covering him.

'What the heck happened to you?' Cody demanded.

'I don't know..I opened the door and everything went black!' Woody wailed, white paint covering his glasses.

'Um, I think you mean white.' Cody said, and sidestepped his paint covered roommate, leaving him spluttering inside.


'Good morning.' Maddie said happily as Zack came out onto the sky deck, looking vaguely triumphant.

'It is now.' He said and kissed her fiercely.

'Well someone's cheery..Zack?' Maddie asked, as Zack seemed to be looking off into the distance.

'Sorry sweetie. I'll see you later ok?' he said, and kissed her again before disappearing.

Maddie looked at his retreating back, slightly bemused. Something had obviously upset him, or at least annoyed him. It was only a question of what.


Cody smiled as he saw his brother coming down the corridor towards him.

'Hey Zack.' Cody said brightly, but Zack then shouldered into him, making Cody stagger and stumble against the wall, and Zack stomped off, looking surly.

'Why good morning Cody, how are you?' I'm fine thanks.' Cody grumbled, wondering what was eating Zack.


Miss Tutweiller sighed as she handed back the last of the essays she had been marking. No an A in the bunch. Cody had handed his in the day before, and tear blotches aside, it still wasn't up to his usual standard of work, barely earning him a B+.

'Well class, today I would like you to work in pairs in order to complete the assignment on your desks please. And please try to get it done today, so I can send it off and boast to the other teachers that Fuddy Duddy Tutty can deliver on time!' she cried, earning her some stupefied glances from her students.

'Eh, get on with your work please!' she called hopefully, trying to make them forget her outburst.

Marcus went off to work with London, and because Bailey had left, Cody, Woody (mercifully returned to normal after about an hour in the shower) and Zack formed a three.

'So, what were the reasons that Germany was hit hardest by the Great Depression?' Woody asked.

'Well, because of the Ruhr Crisis, the American loans getting recalled..' Cody began.

'Oh, why do you always have to be such a know it all?' Zack asked grumpily.

Cody sent him a reproachful look and went quiet. Woody looked at Zack in surprise, wondering why he was being mean to Cody..especially because even on his worst day Cody knew more about this stuff than the rest of the class put together, especially now Bailey had gone.

'Fine, you do it then.' Cody said in a quiet voice, wrote down the two points on the poster had had said and left it alone, leaving Woody to sit in between the two brothers, the air colder than the ship's man sized freezer.

At the end of the lesson, a hurt and bewildered Cody, who had no idea why Zack was being so horrible to him, fled the room, looking on the verge of tears. After that, when Cody had gently whispered some more answers to a perplexed Woody, Zack had done a horrible impression of him jumping up and down in his seat, begging to answer a question. Cody had shut up, making the task even harder and had just earned glares or growls from Zack every time he asked what was wrong. After a while, fed up and hurt, he had given up and had spent the rest of the period looking out of the window, his lip sometimes shaking.

Miss Tutweiller looked down at their poster contemplatively. That had just been odd. The last few days, Zack had been a model brother to Cody. But that, even if he was fed up of being there for Cody, especially as he now had Maddie, that had just been extreme. It was all she could do not to split them up, but she had a feeling that might have made things worse for Cody.

'Yoohoo, Emma, I'm talking to you!' Moseby called and she shook herself out of her reverie.

'Sorry Marion.' She said, still pondering what had happened.

'What's wrong?' he asked her in concern.

'Zack. He was being absolutely horrible to Cody, and Cody left here looking like he was on the verge of tears the poor boy. I just don't get why Zack's suddenly done such a one eighty on him.' She said sadly.

Moseby looked at her, pondering. Yes, even if Zack was more interested in Maddie than in Cody, that wouldn't justify him being horrible to Cody, especially as over the last few days he had been very supportive of his brother. So what was going on?

'Come on, let's go to lunch and put our heads together.' He said, and she gave him a coy smile.

'What part of our heads?' she asked teasingly, and Moseby flashed her a wicked grin.


Zack continued to be horrible to Cody in his next class, flicking bits of rubber at him and making crying impressions, and simulating holding something which they took to be Cody's blanket. Cody was determinedly ignoring this, but his eyes were welling up with tears. London was shooting Zack dirty looks, but Zack continued to harass Cody, and as such, Cody asked to go the toilet and didn't come back. Zack then escaped before his friends could stop him.

'What the hell is his problem? Why's he being so mean to Cody?' Woody demanded.

'I don't know. It's not as if Cody's going to fight back either because he's so miserable! He's being a royal jerk.' London said irritably, furious that Zack was being so horrible to Cody.

Marcus however was silent. He was beginning to get a feeling that he knew why Zack was being horrible to Cody. Actually, if he was right, a lot of things would make a lot more sense.

'Well he better not be mean to Cody again. Cody's never left a class early before. He's got enough to deal with because of Bailey.' Woody said sadly.

Marcus nodded absently. He had a suspicion Bailey was the cause of all this, willing or not. Something was off.

'I need to go and talk to Moseby, see you later.' He said, kissing London's cheek.

'You reckon he understands something?' Woody asked.

'More than I do at any rate.' London said with a sigh, and Woody snorted.


Cody mopped his eyes. What had he done to upset Zack? He couldn't think of anything, yet Zack was being completely horrible to him. Was it because Cody had been crying so much over the last few days? Was Zack finally fed up of looking after Cody was being horrible to get back into the swing of things? Or was it what Cody had always suspected all along and that Zack hadn't meant any of the stuff he had said and was now just going back to normal with extra venom?

'Hey Cody.' Woody said meekly as he entered.

'Hey Woody.' He said miserably.

'I brought your stuff.' Woody said, handing Cody his bag.

'Thanks.' Cody said, setting it down on his bed, wishing he knew what he had done to make his brother be so horrible to him.

'I thought you said Zack promised not to be horrible to you anymore?' he asked.

'Yeah, he did. And I believed him. More fool me I guess then, huh?' Cody said and opened the door.

And a custard pie flew off a small catapult and hit him in the face.

'Ooh, pie.' Woody said greedily, and Cody fought back a sob.

Why was Zack being so horrible?


Marcus finally tracked Moseby and Tutweiller down in a restaurant, where they were sharing a plate of spaghetti. He grinned. People were already beginning to say that the two of them had rekindled their romance, and re-enacting Lady and the Tramp wasn't going to do them any favours.

'People are talking about you two you know.' He said as he came up to them.

'Talking about what?' Moseby demanded.

'That you two are dating.' He said with a grin.

The two of them turned to look at him in outrage.

'We are not dating!' Tutweiller protested.

'We are simply two friends enjoying a quiet lunch.' Moseby said with dignity.

'With only one dish?' Marcus asked with a sceptical grin.

They looked at each other then Moseby turned back to Marcus.

'We're cheap.' He said with some finality, and Marcus smiled.

'You certainly are that.' He said under his breath, while Tutweiller looked off into the distance.

'Well I suppose we could be dating if you wanted to be.' She stated idly.

'Well do you want to date?' Moseby asked with interest.

Marcus sighed, seeing where this was going.

'Waiter, I'll have a salad.' He said in exasperation.

Twenty minutes later, Marcus had consumed his Caesar salad and had finished a bowl of ice cream and Moseby and Tutweiller were still debating whether or not to be a couple.

'So you want to be a couple?' Moseby asked.

'Yes, but only if you want to be!' Tutweiller said uncertainly, and Moseby smiled.

'Then we're a couple then.' He said brightly, and she smiled at him, making Marcus roll his eyes.

'So what can we do for you Marcus?' Tutweiller asked, turning her attention back to her student.

'Well, as you two are the ones she told that she was leaving, I'm assuming you know why Bailey really left?' he asked bluntly, not wanting to be delayed any longer.

Moseby exchanged a guarder look with Tutweiller, who gave nothing away as she turned to face him.

'We have a suspicion yes.' She confirmed hesitantly.

'Is it to do with some fiction about Cody and Maddie?' he asked, and Moseby nodded grimly.

'We think so. We're afraid Bailey saw Cody with Maddie and automatically assumed the worst, she was already so distraught over the breakup. So she got the wrong end of the stick, sprung it on us that she was going and disappeared.'

Marcus pondered. He had thought as much. And, if Zack had somehow found this out, it would explain why he had been so horrible to Cody, fearing that his brother would somehow make a move on Maddie, and Marcus supposed that Zack probably feared that because of how much of a state Cody had been in, he would win Maddie on the sympathy vote.

'But why is it suddenly so important to find out?' Tutweiller asked.

'I reckon Zack found out somehow..and that's why he's been so horrible to Cody today.'

Moseby groaned.

'Oh for goodness sake..' he cursed, getting up.

'Look, I don't think we should interfere.' Marcus said hesitantly.

'Marcus, don't you think Cody has enough problems without Zack picking on him for something he hasn't even one?' Tutweiller wailed, and he had to admit, she did have a point.

And what was more, Zack wasn't doing his usual big brother teasing, he was outright bullying Cody, and to make matters worse Cody didn't have a clue what he had done to deserve it. So, maybe an intervention was in order.

'Oh alright, but I have a bad feeling about this.' Marcus said darkly and he followed the two from the restaurant.


Cody sighed resentfully as yet another tightly bundled towel hit him in the head. Someone was putting all sorts of disgusting stuff inside them, like mouldy sandwiches and all sorts, and it was making Cody feel sick. And the unkind sniggers from the juice bar gave him some idea as to who was behind it.

What had he done to make Zack be so horrible to him? Maybe Cody had been stupid to assume that Zack really did want to change the way he treated Cody. Perhaps he had just told Cody to that to make him feel all the worse when he finally went after him.

Sitting on a deck chair, London was keeping an eye on Cody. Zack had reached new levels of jerkocity with his brother, that much was clear. Yeah, he had always picked on him a little bit, but he was Cody's big brother. But this wasn't picking on him this was just outright bullying, and she didn't like it one bit. And nor did she like the malicious evil looks Zack was sending Cody either, as if plotting something he knew full well would hurt his brother. London didn't know what his problem was, but she knew Maddie wouldn't look well on it no matter what it was. And she didn't either. While she didn't normally go for this 'helping people' thing, she didn't want to see Cody any more depressed than he already was. As such, to prevent her from just going over and yelling at Zack, she was stroking the large bar of gold, her allowance for the week, that she had in her purse.

Zack was looking over at Cody, willing him to pick up the next towel. A small part of him, alright, a large part, knew that he shouldn't be so mean to Cody. But after all, Cody had been taking advantage of the fact that Zack, for the first time in his life, had been nice to his brother, and was using it to try and get with the girl that he was in love with! But..he couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was wrong with Bailey's text. Shaking the feeling, he eagerly awaited seeing Cody's face when he unrolled the next towel..and tried to ignore the massive lump of guilt forming in his throat.

Cody picked up another balled up towel, and his heart caught in his throat as he unravelled it. Bailey, in a small frame, was staring up at him from a photograph. Cody's hands shook and he squeezed harder, breaking the glass, and as he did so, his grip slid, and a jagged shard of glass ripped a thin slash in his wrist.

'OW!' he squealed in pain, dropping the rest, and London came tottering over, looking concerned.

'Cody, what happened?'

Cody showed her the cut, which now had blood pouring from it, and Cody suppressed a wince figuring that it was in exactly the place it would be if he had practiced self harm. Wonderful.

'Someone put a picture of Bailey in a towel, and I sort of was an accident.' Cody said meekly, not really sure why he was trying to explain his brother's actions.

Because it could only have been Zack who had done it. Zack was now just torturing him. Why was he being so horrible? Yeah, he was better than he had been, but still, there was teasing, and there was bullying, and Zack was kicking him whilst he was still down. Tears formed in his eyes as Cody struggled to understand why Zack was being so horrible to him. He supposed he couldn't trust his brother after all.

'Do you know who did this?' she asked, though she knew full well.

'No.' He said loyally, then turned and dashed for the infirmary, tears rolling down his cheeks as the fact that his brother was deliberately hurting him set in.

London burled around furiously towards the juice bar. Zack was looking guiltily and worriedly at where his brother had disappeared from view. He hadn't wanted to physically hurt him, but now his wrist was bleeding, and he had a horrible feeling people would start to ask if he had been self harming. Just as he was about to go after Cody, a furious London blocked his path.

'What the hell is your problem?' she demanded furiously.

'London, please move, Cody's hurt..' shame and guilt filling his voice as he begged her.

'Yeah, he's hurt because of you! What, you think that just because you're going out with Maddie you can start being an absolute jerk to him?' she demanded.

'London, I'll explain later, you don't understand.' Zack said, but she narrowed her eyes.

'Yeah I do. You've been horrible to him all day!' she yelled, furious for her friend.

Poor Cody had enough problems, being poor was one of them, without his brother making him feel terrible.

'London, I..I've got my reasons..' Zack said uncertainly, but then London's eyes flashed furiously.

'Nothing justifies how you've been treating him today you bloody little poor person!' she screeched, and swung her bag, containing the gold bar, at him, and smacked him in the head.

Zack's eyes widened with the impact.

'Here we go..' he said, and promptly collapsed to the ground in a heap, with London seething furiously above him.

'London!' Marcus cried in shock as he came rushing down the stairs, Moseby and Tutweiller in tow, and he took her arm and dragged her away from Zack.

'Let go Marcus! Now come with me!' she said furiously, and stomped off towards the cabins.

'Yes dear.' He said meekly, and hurried along in her wake.

'What was that about?' Tutweiller demanded as they lifted an unconscious Zack into a chair.

'I don't know, but I reckon London must have her allowance for the week in that bag.' Moseby said, wincing at the sight of the large bruise now rising on Zack's temple.

'Oh yes..'


London was the angriest Marcus had ever seen her and she blasted open the door to her cabin, stomping in and looking around furiously.

'Um, London..?' he asked hesitantly.

'Zack is being completely foul to Cody! And I bet it's something to do with Bailey. So I'm going to phone her and ask her why the hell she's set Zack onto Cody, he's got enough to deal with!' she fumed, punching for Bailey's number on her phone.

'London, wait!' he said and grabbed her arms, forcing them down and looking into her ire ridden brown eyes.

He knew that she did have a soft spot for all her friends, even if she didn't like to admit to it, and this was just further proof of it.

'What? You know Zack's been horrible to Cody!'

'Yeah, and I reckon you're right and it has to do with Bailey..but I reckon something isn't quite right with this. I'll talk to Zack later ok? And besides, bringing Bailey back or trying to get her to come back might just make things worse, for her and for Cody. He's barely getting over her as it is and I reckon she's the same. So, even though I know you're trying to be nice, and Cody might thank you for smacking Zack like he deserves, but just cool your jets ok?' he said softly.

And then she surprised him by kissing him on the lips. Marcus eagerly reciprocated and after a few seconds, minutes, hours or maybe even days they broke apart.

'Thank you.' She said sweetly.

'Thank you too.' He said with a surprised grin.

London smiled and looked out at the sea, wondering what to do about the entire situation. Marcus wrapped his arm around her and wondered the same thing.


'Aww Bailey, please cheer up!' Moose begged.

Bailey looked at him. For the last few days, Moose had been bringing her stuffed animals and chocolates to try and cheer her up. And she had to admit, it was nice to see him again.

'Thanks Moose. You've been a good friend.' She said, patting his hand as she put his cuddly chick next to a Beary-Sorry Bear she had once gotten from Cody, and she looked away from it before she started to cry again.

'Bailey, I hate seeing you this miserable. If that guy was stupid enough to dump you, and then move onto someone else no less like you say he has, then he doesn't deserve you being so upset over him.' Moose said plainly.

Bailey sniffed. That was the problem though. The more she thought about it, the more she thought that she might have made a mistake saying that Cody and Maddie were getting together. Moose certainly hadn't dropped the subject every time he came to cheer her up, but somehow the fact that he didn't know their names was making it all the more plain to her that she might have gotten it wrong. She had been hurt, upset and still reeling from the breakup when she had seen Cody talking to Maddie and she had automatically assumed the worst. And after all, wasn't that what had broken them up in the first place, them assuming the worst of each other?

'Maybe. Thanks Moose.' She said, and hugged him.

Moose's heart roared in triumph. Now he could get her back. Everything was going according to plan.

'Bails, do you want to go and see a movie at the weekend?' he asked hesitantly.

Bailey sighed. Here it was. She had suspected he had more than friendship on his mind. She had suspected that as soon as he had come, worried about her and bearing a cuddly pig. Now she knew. He wanted her back. But..even if she did decide to give him another chance, which she didn't think would be a wise idea at the moment wouldn't be fair on him. Because there was only one guy she was thinking of at the moment and that guy definitely wasn't Moose.

To give herself more time, she excused herself to go to the toilet. As she went through, she knew she shouldn't even be friends with Moose now that she had confirmed what he really wanted. But he was some company for her, and she was really missing her friends and the ship. Would the ship take her back? But then she would be back where Cody was..she didn't know if she could stand it. In hindsight, she had made a mistake leaving the ship so suddenly, and she knew that Cody probably didn't feel anything like that for Maddie. For a start, he wouldn't do that to Zack. But..even though she wanted to, could she go back to the ship? She would be seeing Cody every day and the thought of seeing him and not being with him ripped her heart in two. But, a large part of her, despite how much pain it would cause her, wanted to see him every day. She missed him so much, like a flower misses the sun during winter..

Meanwhile, while Bailey's thoughts were consumed by thoughts of the boy she was still in love, Moose, still in her room looked down at her phone as she received a text.

Hey Bailey,

Just thought I should tell you that Maddie and I are going out. And thanks for warning me about Cody liking her. But..he still really misses you.

Zack xx

Moose grinned. So, Zack had believed his little lie about Cody liking Maddie. So, provided Bailey never found out he had done it, he could get her back and turn her against her ex, who she clearly still had strong feelings for, for good. After all, he knew what was best for his little bale of hay.

'Hey Bailey, sorry, I deleted a text you got by accident.' He said sheepishly, though of course there had been no accident about it.

'Oh, who was it from?' she asked.

'Zack I think it was.'

Bailey looked at him curiously.

'What did he want?' she asked.

'To tell you that you don't need to go on about Cody anymore. He's going out with some girl called Maddie.'

Bailey looked up at him in disbelief, and a part of him felt guilty at the lie, knowing it would upset her. But it would only prevent her from getting more hurt in the long run.

'Oh..oh right..' she said breathlessly, fighting the tears that were rising in her eyes.

Cody was dating Maddie. She didn't blame Maddie, her ex was cute, he was sweet, caring, kind, wasn't a player like his brother..but hadn't Maddie been interested in Zack? And he was into why were Cody and Maddie dating? She looked at Moose, her tears starting to roll down her cheeks, and began to wonder if he was being honest with her. Maybe he'd gotten them mixed up. But either way, something wasn't quite right. But what if it was? What if Cody really had moved on?

'Alright.' She said, with a sort of finality.

'Alright? I thought you still liked this guy?' Moose said in confusion.

Bailey looked at him. Something wasn't right about this. And she needed to find out what.

'No, as in alright, I'll go on a date with you.' She said, smiling at him.

Moose grinned and hugged her. The heart wants what the heart wants. And as a result, she shifted guiltily in Moose's arms.


Cody, after getting his arm stitched up, had hence spent the rest of the day avoiding Zack, and the others. As such, when it came time for Maddie's second show, he went early and hid in a shadowy booth, far away from the front of the stage where Zack would obviously be sitting. London and Marcus were back at their table, Marcus having his arm around London's shoulders, and Moseby and Tutweiller were sipping cocktails at the bar. When Zack entered and sat at the side of the stage, Cody retreated further into the shadows.

He just wished he knew why his brother was being so horrible. Before, he could deal with Bailey breaking up with him and leaving without saying anything because he had Zack on his side. But now, Zack was being horrible, he didn't have a clue why, and all he wanted was to go back to his room, curl up in a ball and cry. But he had promised Maddie he would be here, so he would stay and then go back to his room and hope that Zack would be nicer tomorrow.

Cody then looked at the cut on his wrist and snorted. No wonder Zack hated him. Like he had told him..he was pathetic. Stifling tears, he sipped his drink and looked up as Maddie came out onto the stage.

Zack smiled at her, and her heart soared as she began to sing a rendition of Don't Stop Believing by Journey. All through the song Zack couldn't keep his eyes off of her, his beautiful Maddie standing out there and singing better than his mother had ever managed. She looked at him with her eyes and he saw the light that was going through them and her radiant smile caught him and he looked up at her as she continued to sing.

Over in the corner, Cody felt the song could very well apply to him and Bailey, and the thought just tortured him even more.

As Maddie sung, she saw Cody lurking in the shadows, and she wondered what was wrong with him. She also wondered what had happened to Zack as he had a massive bruise on his forehead. Something had obviously been going on today when she had been otherwise occupied, and she didn't think she liked that. Something was wrong between the two of them. Over the last few days, Zack had hardly let Cody out of his sight, but now he didn't seem to be talking to him. So what was going on between the twins?

As she finished, she saw Zack whooping, and then wincing at the bruise on his head as he touched it. What the hell had been going on?

As the crowd dispersed, she saw Cody trying to get out, determinedly avoiding his brother. Deciding her boyfriend's brother needed her help more than her well wishers, she came down from the stage and blocked his path, while Zack looked around for her.

'Cody, what's wrong, you seem really miserable.' She said as she reached him.

He certainly did look miserable. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. And her eyes widened in shock as she saw the bandage on his arm.

'Cody, what happened?' she asked in concern.

'Nothing, I just had an accident earlier.' He said, not wanting to harm his brother's relationship with Maddie, because he knew she would be furious if she knew he had caused it.

'Cody, are you and Zack not talking? You seem even more down than the thing with Bailey, and you sat away from him earlier. Are you two ok?' she asked, and he shrugged.

'Yeah, same as usual. Night Maddie.' He said sadly, and left the room, his head hung low, and she looked curiously after him. Something wasn't right between that two. Had the two of them had a fight and neither wanted to admit it? Strange, that's what it was.

And over on the other side of the room, Zack saw Cody with Maddie. They were just talking, but Bailey's text kept echoing in his head. Did Cody like Maddie? There was something odd about that. But, he had received a text from her saying that she had seen them together, and that was what had made her leave. It would actually explain an awful lot, why she had left so early, without so much as a word to them. But, hadn't Cody done his best to try and put him and Maddie together? His thoughts were so confused. Who did he want to believe? His brother, or his brother's broken hearted girlfriend? But, both sides could be true? Was Cody perhaps developing rebound feelings for Maddie? Or had Bailey gotten the wrong end of the stick again? He had to know, he had to find out..and he had to apologise for earlier.

As such, he headed after Cody, his face taut with worry.

London looked up as Zack left, following Cody.

'Oh no..' she moaned.

'What is it?' Marcus asked as he drained his cocktail.

'Zack's just gone after Cody, and I don't think he's going to apologise to him somehow.' She said worriedly.

Marcus groaned and they got up to follow.

'Where are they off to in such a hurry?' Miss Tutweiller asked as she ate the grape from her glass.

'London looks angry..what if she's going to beat Zack up again?' Moseby asked worriedly.

While London had explained her attack on Zack, and a small part of Moseby had felt that the boy had thoroughly deserved it, he didn't deserve another round.

'Oh dear.' She said, and they hurried after them.


Zack finally caught up to his brother.

'Cody, we need to talk.' He said, his emotions swirling inside him as he tried to decide whether or not Cody was trying to make a move on Maddie. It seemed impossible, but on the other hand it seemed perfectly natural.

Cody turned to glare at him.

'Oh, now you want to talk? Why now when you've been completely horrible all day? Run out of ideas?' he sneered, and Zack looked down in shame.

'Cody, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt..'

'Oh so putting in a picture of my ex girlfriend who I miss like crazy was meant to make me feel better was it?' Cody asked sarcastically.

At that moment, he hated everything about Zack. Despite his brother's promises, which he had been stupid enough to believe, he was still getting hurt, only now it was worse than before.

'Cody, will you please just calm down? I know I've been horrible but..'

'But you didn't want to be seen looking after your sappy brother anymore, don't worry Zack I get it. I was cramping your style so to convince everyone you're still a guy you were being deliberately horrible to me. I get it.' Cody said and turned.

Zack took a step back. That's what Cody thought he was being horrible for? It didn't make any sense.

'Cody, wait, don't, I want to talk to you!' Zack said, catching Cody's wrist, and totally by accident, squeezing the cut.

And the next thing he knew Cody smacked him in the face. Zack staggered and hit the ground, then glared up at Cody.

'What the hell was that for?' he demanded furiously.

'You've been a complete bastard to me, just so you don't lose your precious reputation. What is it Zack, got your girl so you don't need me anymore? And you think I'm pathetic!'

Anger that Cody thought that was the truth surged through Zack and he leapt at his brother, his fist crashing into his gut. Ordinarily, he would have expected that to floor Cody, but not today. Today Cody just staggered back and slammed his foot into Zack's chin, knocking Zack to the floor. Zack snarled and tackled Cody to the floor, just as London, Marcus, Moseby, Tutweiller and Cody arrived.

'Boys, boys!' Tutweiller cried before she leapt backwards to avoid their flailing legs as they grappled on the floor.

'Oh this is terrible, someone should call security!' Kirby said as Cody kicked Zack off of him and went at him before Marcus and Moseby could pull him off.

Moseby, in the midst of preparing to pull Cody off of his brother, turned and looked at him incredulously.

'You are security!' he yelled.

'Oh yeah!'

They went down, but as they did so Zack rolled to his feet and kicked Cody in the chests. Cody thudded to the floor and took Zack's legs out from under him, then launched himself on top of his brother.

'Boys!' Moseby yelled desperately.

'You are a complete-jerk-you-don't-care-about-me!' Cody growled, punching his brother's chest.

Zack then managed to find some strength from somewhere and rolled Cody off him, pinning him to the floor.

'Of course I care about you! I love you! You've got it all wrong!'

Cody responded by kicking Zack in the gut and Cody then jumped on top of him again and started pounding, and no one seemed to want to intervene for fear of personal injury.


'I've been doing all that stuff because I thought you liked Maddie!' Zack yelled, and Cody's hand faltered.

Zack seized this chance and shoved Cody off of him and onto his back and pinned his arms.

'It's not what you think!' he pleaded desperately.

Cody then exerted himself and shoved Zack to the side, and then he pinned Zack with tears in his eyes.

'How could you think I was in love with Maddie? For a start, I've never thought about her that way and never will. Secondly, I wouldn't do that to you. You're my brother, and I love you. I wouldn't do that, knowing how you feel about her. And thirdly, I still love Bailey. Download game moto gp 3d 320x240 jar. I'm not going to get over her that quickly, if ever. I love her with all my heart, and any other girl doesn't even come close to her.' Cody said, then he slid off of Zack and sat on the floor beside him, determinedly not looking at him.

Zack looked at his brother, terrible guilt flooding him. For a start, they had never ever fought like that before, when they would quite happily have beaten each other to a pulp. They had never done that. He shouldn't have punched Cody. Cody had been right to thump him, even if it was for the right reasons. But, hearing how hurt his brother really was, what he had thought Zack's reason was, had broken something in him, leading to the fight.

The others were all looking at them cautiously, as though afraid they might start fighting again at any moment, but Zack didn't care. His brother loved him that much..

Cody was avoiding Zack's eyes. He had thought that he had feelings for Maddie? That at least explained why he had been so horrible. Maddie was the only girl who could inspire jealousy in Zack. He had completely fallen for her from day one. He knew he shouldn't have punched Zack, and he had sort of known it had been an accident that he had squeezed the cut. But, a small part of him had wanted to smack him for so long, and after everything today..

'Cody?' Zack asked in a timid voice.


'You should tell her that.' Zack said gently, and Cody turned to look at him in confusion.


'Tell Bailey what you just told me.' He said softly.

Cody looked at his twin, and it was as if the others didn't exist as he looked at his brother.

'Zack..I'm sorry I hit you. I shouldn't have, I..'

Zack smiled a little hesitantly.

'Yeah well I sort of deserved it after everything I've done to you today. I shouldn't have attacked you, but hearing you think that..'

'Well what was I supposed to think? One minute you're being a cool big brother, helping me, next minute you're being completely horrible to me for no apparent reason. I thought you'd gotten fed up of looking after me, or that because you had Maddie you didn't want anything to do with me anymore.' He said softly.

Zack reached out his hand, and he was immensely relieved when Cody took it.

'I'd never get fed up of you being my brother. And I will always want something to do with you.' He said, and Cody gave him a small smile.

'I'm sorry for thinking you don't care about me.' Cody whispered.

'No, I'm the one who should be sorry, I should have just asked you, talked to you..'

'No kidding.' Cody said, totally ignoring Moseby's comment of 'damn right'.

Zack looked at Cody, unsure of what to say, and Cody gave him a small smile.

'You're an idiot.' He said fondly.

'Yeah I know. You are too.' He said playfully, lightly shoving him.

'I know. An idiot for putting up with you and still loving you. I love you Zack. You may be the biggest jerk brother on the planet, in the universe even..but you're my big jerk brother.' Cody said with a smile, and Zack grinned and pulled him into a firm hug, closing his eyes as he did so.

'And you're my little nerdy brother and I love you too.' He said, and smiled as Cody returned the hug.

'Aww, how sweet!' Tutweiller said, sniffing, and Moseby rolled his eyes.

The two boys then got to their feet, and turned sheepishly to the others.

'Sorry Mr Moseby.' They said sheepishly.

Moseby smiled slightly, and shook his head.

'Well I always knew the day would come when the two of you would go at it. Thank god it was here and not at the Tipton.' He said, and the twins grinned at each other, the usual grin they had when they had gotten into mischief, and she smiled.

'But it looks like London hitting Zack with a gold bar seems to have done the two of you some good.' He said with as grin, and they nodded.

'Yeah, I gotta get one of them.' Cody said, and Zack poked him on the shoulder ruefully.

'You can get one for graduation.' London said.

Zack then went and hugged her.

'Thanks for smacking me London. I deserved it that time.' He said, and she smiled.

'Yes you did. And you're welcome.' She said, and then Cody hugged her too.

'Thanks for standing up for me.' He said, and she smiled. Perhaps she should do this being nice thing more often, it felt good.

'You're welcome too.' She said, and Marcus grinned. He knew she was nice when she wanted to be.

'Well I'm glad you two are back to normal.' He said, clapping their shoulders.

'Yeah..can you guys do me a favour and sort of not tell Maddie?' Zack asked hopefully, and Cody laughed.

'We'll try. No more fighting ok?' Kirby asked sternly, and they nodded.

'Agreed.' They said in unison.

'Good. Now Kirby, why don't you come back to the lounge with Emma and I while we have a little talk about what your job entails.' Moseby said, patiently amused, and the three of them left.

'And so will we. Be good.' Marcus said and he and London left, leaving the twins alone.


'Zack..' he said at the same time, and they looked down awkwardly.

'We brothers again?' Zack asked hopefully.

'Always.' Cody said with a smile, and Zack hugged his brother.

They walked for a while in silence, somehow feeling closer than ever. Then, the question that was burning to be asked finally came from Cody's mouth.

'Why would you think I was in love with Maddie?' he asked incredulously.

Zack looked uncertainly at Cody. He knew that while they had fixed the rift between them, he was still hurting from his breakup. Learning that Bailey had started this would kill him. But when he looked into his brother's eyes, pleading to know why his twin had done what he had done..he knew he couldn't refuse him.

'Oh bro..I'm sorry but it was Bailey.' Zack admitted.

And then he saw clearly the pain blossoming in Cody's eyes. Zack looked at him sadly and wrapped an arm around him in case he started to cry.

'Bailey..but why..?'

Zack sighed.

'She sent me a text, telling me. I read it and lost it, I thought you were messing me about. And I'm so sorry Cody.' He whispered into his brother's ear.

Cody couldn't believe it. Wasn't it bad enough that she had ripped his heart out when they had broken up, but then she had to take his brother away from him as well? She knew he was down, and she had wanted to make sure he was down and out. He never would have thought she'd be that spiteful and horrible.

Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Games

But..she wasn't. Even with both of them acting out of character with the aftermath of their break up, Bailey would never do that. She always hated it when the twins fought anyway. So, even if she was mad at Cody, why would she hurt Zack with such a lie? Something didn't add up..

'Can I see the text?' he asked in a steady voice.

Zack saw something in Cody's eyes that hadn't been there for a while- fire. A righteous, furious fire, blazing with love for Bailey, and anger at something else. What was going on?

'Sure. Cody, what..?'

'Just show me the text.' Cody commanded, and Zack did so.

And then he was surprised as Cody let out an animal snarl and nearly crushed his phone single handedly.

'That foul, lying, deceitful, manipulative bastard!' Cody roared and Zack took an alarmed step back.

'Cody what's wrong?' he asked urgently.

'Zack, look at this text. What's wrong with it?' Cody demanded, showing the message to Zack.

Zack shrugged.

'It's spelt wrong!' Cody said.

At first, these words didn't have the effect he sought. Despite what Cody thought, poor spelling wasn't a crime. But then, it dawned on him.

Zack And Cody Games

'Wait a second..Bailey's like you. She never spells anything wrong.' Zack said suspiciously.

'Exactly! Zack, Bailey didn't send this! Someone used her phone to send it instead.' Cody snarled, the angriest Zack had ever seen him.

'But..why..who?' Zack asked, but he had a suspicion Cody knew, and now he came to think of it, it could only be one person.

'Moose. That jumped up hillbilly! I know it's him!' Cody said and he punched Bailey's phone number into the phone.

The phone rang and rang and rang, Cody's expression furious. Zack too was furious. He had been hoodwinked into going after his own brother by his brother's girlfriend's ex.

'Hello?' Moose's voice answered.

'Hello Moose. Remember me? Cody? The one whose brother you got to go after him?' he said in a deadly voice, which Zack had to repress a shiver on hearing.

'You! Look, you lost Bailey! She's back where she belongs, here with me! You lost her, deal with it.' Moose growled.

'Does she know you're lying to her? I'm not dating Maddie, and you know it. Zack is, and you sent that text to him to get him to come after me so I would be so miserable I wouldn't even think of going back for Bailey, especially if I thought she was the one behind it. Clever Moose. But not clever enough. You underestimated me and my brother. Bad move.'

Moose growled on the other end of the phone.

'Look you, you're nothing to her now. She's going out with me again, so drop it. You and your precious brother can stay on the ship and leave my Bailey alone!'

Cody's eyes narrowed to slits.

'Bailey doesn't belong to anyone. And don't you dare think you're going to get away with this, because you won't. I can promise you that. Goodbye Moose.' Cody said and hung up, looking murderous.

'Dude! He's lying to Bailey, making her think you've moved on! Is that the biggest telling off you've got for him? He's stealing your girl!' Zack protested, furious on his brother's behalf.

'Not if I have anything to say about it he isn't.' Cody spat.

He then ran off, and Zack quickly followed.

'Cody..?' he asked, as they barged into the lounge, where the others, including Maddie, were sitting sipping drinks.

'I wondered when you'd show up.' Maddie said, her face disapproving but amusement in her eyes.

'What you told her? You guys are mean.' Zack pouted, and London and Tutweiller failed to look at him innocently.

'Cody, what's up, you look livid.' Marcus said.

'Oh I am. Moose is lying to Bailey.' He said.

'Who the heck is Moose?' Marcus asked, but Moseby held up a hand to silence him.

'What do you mean?' he asked curiously, the final pieces falling into place.

'Moose has been feeding Bailey a pack of lies, telling her I'm in love with Maddie. He then sent the text with Bailey's phone to Zack to make him come after me. His plan was that because I would have lost Bailey and Zack I would be so miserable I wouldn't pose a threat to his plans to get Bailey back. He was hoping that if Zack abandoned me as well I would never talk to Bailey again, especially if I figured out that she was the one who got Zack to fall out with me. He's lying to her to get her to forget about me, and she doesn't know what he's been doing, or how I still feel about her! He is lying through the skin of his teeth to her in some twisted attempt to keep her in Kettlecorn because he thinks he knows what is best for her! She doesn't know the truth and he keeps feeding her more and more lies!' Cody roared furiously.

'Wait, so you two's fallout was because Moose set it up? That's sick!' Maddie said in a horrified voice.

'Who the hell is Moose?' Marcus demanded.

'Goose is her ex-boyfriend. That's low, he's lying to her..but Bailey isn't dumb, she must know something's odd about all that..' London said.

'Not if he's been intercepting the texts I've been sending back to her she won't..boy Bailey is going to be pissed when she finds all of this out.' Zack said darkly.

'So this is some twisted ploy by this Moose guy to get Bailey back?' Kirby demanded incredulously.

'Yes! He's lying to her to keep her in Kettlecorn..and away from me.' Cody answered miserably.

'So what are we going to do about it? We just can't let this Moose keep deceiving Bailey!' Tutweiller said in shock.

'No we can't. So..I want to go to Kettlecorn.' Cody said firmly.

They all looked at him in surprise. He was willing to go all the way to Kettlecorn to tell Bailey that Moose was lying to her..not knowing how she would react to his presence or even if she would believe him. Zack had once overhead Cody telling Bailey he would crawl to the ends of the earth to make her happy, but not until now did he see that his brother actually meant that. He was willing to risk everything, just to make sure the girl he loved didn't make a massive mistake and waste her life shucking corn when she could be doing so much more. He was willing to cross America just to tell her not to make a mistake with Moose, regardless of what she might say to him, regardless of how much more hurt he might have to endure.

Zack And Cody Pizza Party Pickup

'Cody..' Zack said softly.

Tutweiller looked at Moseby, a small smile tugging at her lips. Moseby smiled at her and nodded.

'Alright Cody. Very well. We're going to Kettlecorn!' he announced, and got his phone out of his pocket.

'What? You're taking the ship?' Cody asked weakly.

'Of course! You can't get there without it Cody. We're helping you. You're so sweet, willing to do all that just to let Bailey know how much she means to you..of course we'll help!' Tutweiller declared.

'But..' Cody said uncertainly.

'Cody, forget it. We're with you. We want Bailey back too. And I want to get that cowpat back for making me fall out with you. We're with you bro.' Zack said firmly.

'Zack..' Cody said with a small but touched voice, and Zack grinned.

'We're all coming.' Maddie said, her eyes fiery.

'You bet.' Marcus agreed.

'And I have sort of missed her.' London said with a small grin.

'Captain Langsford, I would like you to make a detour into America.' Moseby said into the phone.

London then took the phone from Moseby, who looked at her in surprise.

'Because if you don't do it, I'll get daddy to fire you. We have to go to America.' London said.

A second later there was a large honk from the ship's horn, indicating a change in course.

'Thank you captain. Yes, we'll be getting out in Florida. I'll explain to the passengers tomorrow, make something up. Thank you again.' Moseby said, and Tutweiller was looking at him with fierce pride.

'Mr Moseby..thanks..' Cody said humbly.

Moseby took a steadying breath. His entire job was on the line, he knew that. There would be dozens of complaints..but this was worth it he felt.

'You're welcome. Sometimes, love requires great sacrifices.' He said, and Cody smiled at him.

'Right, so if we land in Florida, how do we get to Kettlecorn?' Maddie asked, looking to London.

Marcus grinned cockily.

'I think I can help us there.' He said and took out his own phone.

Everyone looked at him oddly, and he winked.

'Don't worry pal, I'll get us to Bailey. Hannah! Hi, it's Marcus. Yeah, Lil'Little. How are you?'

'Hannah Montana?' Maddie asked incredulously, and London looked murderous.

'Must be. Wow..' Cody said, touched that everyone was so willing to help him and Bailey.

'Yeah, well I'll explain everything when I see you. But know that favour you owe me? I'm calling to collect it. You're in Florida right? Good. Well, we'll land there in a day or so. What I want is to borrow your plane.' Marcus said conspirationally.

Everyone around the table was holding their breath.

'Well a couple friends of mine broke up recently. Turns out her ex has been lying to her to get her to forget about Cody while he tries to stick his claws back into her, and he made Zack fight Cody to help with that. What, how do you know them? Yes, Cody and Bailey broke up. That's who we're going to save! That's why I need to borrow your plane, so we can tell Bailey the truth, and with any luck, get them back together!'

A few minutes later, Marcus grinned.

'Hannah, you're the best. I'll see you in Florida then. Cheers!'

He hung up and then met everyone's shocked faces.

'She owes me one for covering for her when her dad went looking for her once. She was actually on a date with Jake Ryan.' He said.

'Marcus, I don't know what to say..' Cody said softly, and he waved it off.

'It's alright dude. We'll get her back, trust me. And even Hannah thinks you two are right for each other, and that it's a shame you broke up.' Marcus said.

Cody looked around at them all, his closest friends, all determined to help him warn Bailey..they were all on his side.

'Guys, I don't know what to say..' he said uncertainly.

'Don't worry little buddy, we're all behind you. You just figure out what you're going to say to Bailey when we get to Kettlecorn.' Kirby advised.

'Thanks everyone.' Cody said, smiling at them.

'You're welcome. Right, we better hit the sack. I'm going to have a ship full of angry passengers tomorrow, I better think how I'm going to explain all this. Good night.' Moseby said, and he left, and was followed a bit later by Tutweiller.

'You know Hannah Montana? Oh..' London said and got to her feet, and Marcus followed her, looking confused, and Zack grinned at Cody.

'Night little buddies.' Kirby said and headed off.

'Thanks Zack.' Cody said and hugged his brother goodnight, leaving him in the empty lounge with Maddie.

Zack sat down beside her, looking at her uncertainly.

' you still want to go out with me? I mean, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to go out with such a bully..'

But what he was going to say next was cut off as Maddie kissed him passionately. Zack eagerly reciprocated the kiss and gently forced her back so that he was lying on top of her.

'Of course I want to go out with you. You were a horrible jerk yeah..but you fixed it. And besides, there's no one else I'd rather be with on this cruise than you. And if I wanted to break up with a guy just for being a jerk..well let's just say I would never have a long term relationship.' She said softly and kissed him again.

'Thanks. I love you Maddie.' Zack said, and he was surprised by how easily the words fell from his mouth.

Maddie looked up at him in shock. Zack, the world's biggest player, had just admitted genuine love for her. She looked up at him, and saw how uncertain he looked, worried that she wouldn't believe him, and she smiled sweetly.

'I love you too Zack.'

Zack smiled and kissed her passionately, his insides dancing the conga and his heart crying out in triumph as he and the girl he loved admitted it for the first time. His hand wrapped around her neck and her tongue entered his mouth as the two young loves kissed like never before, together at last.

So, here we reach the penultimate chapter!

So we have had the fight between Zack and Cody..and note that Cody actually technically won said fight. London was the one to smack Zack silly with the gold bar in her bag, bless her. And Moose is lying to Bailey and is trying to keep Cody from her. Well, the bond between the twins isnt the only thing he's underestimated.. ;)

Suite life of zack and cody conga line game

And even better, Zack and Maddie have admitted they love each other!

So next chapter, the crew are bound for Kettlecorn, where we shall have a guest appearance from Hannah Montana. So what will happen in the final chapter?

Will Bailey and Cody get back together? Will the evil Moose be thwarted? Who will rekindle an old romance? (bet you dont guess that one). How will it all end?

All will be revealed next time..

Until then, please read and review!