Download Game Edukasi Anak Gratis Untuk Laptop

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It is the first book of the O Terceiro Travesseiro series, and introduces sixteen-year-old Marcus, who falls in love with Renato. O terceiro travesseiro. A film adaptation of O Terceiro Travesseiro was released in 2012. The novel is followed by O Dia Seguinte. It has been translated into 37 different languages. It was published originally in hardback in 1998, and was the biggest selling book of 2007.

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Game Edukasi Anak : All in 1 Description from Publisher:
The Children's Educational Game is a game with a wide variety of games. The game-the game that teach your child recognize objects or things around us. Among other things, recognize various animals, recognize numbers, recognize letters of the alphabet, recognize shapes, recognize colors, and familiar fruits. In the latest version additional features get to know the means of transportation, a member of the body, professions, musical instruments and objects around.
Now features math, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For addition, subtraction and multiplication have the option level, where you can choose the level of easy or level more difficult. So what are you waiting for, download now, this game is suitable for children between the ages of 3-6 years.
love your children the game spend time mending just give this game, let your children play while learning it so useful. Download now, free you know..
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Download Game Edukasi Anak : All in 1 5.0.4 APK ( 3.98 MB)
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Android 3.0 and upRelated Searches for Game Edukasi Anak : All in 1 APK:
Learning Games for Kids Kids Games Painting and Drawing Math Games Fashion and Style Games Virtual Pets and Families Brain Teasers and Trainers Cooking Games Quiz and Trivia Adventure Games
Ages 9-12
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Game Edukasi Anak adalah sebuah game dengan berbagai macam permainan. Permainan-permainan yang mengajarkan anak anda mengenal benda-benda atau hal-hal disekitar kita. Antara lain, mengenal macam-macam binatang, mengenal angka, mengenal huruf alfabet, mengenal bentuk, mengenal warna-warna, dan mengenal buah-buahan. Pada versi terbaru tambahan fitur mengenal alat transportasi, anggota tubuh, profesi, alat musik dan benda sekitar.
Kini dilengkapi fitur matematika, penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian. Untuk penjumlahan, pengurangan dan perkalian memiliki pilihan level, dimana anda bisa memilih level yang mudah atau level yang lebih sulit. Jadi tunggu apa lagi, download sekarang, game ini cocok untuk anak antara umur 3-6 tahun.
Daripada kasih anak anda permainan yang menghabiskan waktu mending berikan saja permainan ini, biar anak anda bermain sambil belajar kan jadi bermanfaat. Download sekarang juga, gratis lho..
★ Kalau ada kritik dan saran atau request, mohon sampaikan ya pada rate, atau langsung hubungi kami melalui Email :-) ★

Game Anak Perempuan Gratis

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Laptop Untuk Anak